Our Thesis

We are Seeking to Bridge the Impact Capital Gap in Central America

Moon Dancer Fund strategically addresses Central America’s investment landscape by leveraging collaborative strategies, expert due diligence, and a blended finance approach to invigorate and de-risk the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem for impactful investing.

Investment Opportunities Are Limited

Central America’s entrepreneurial and impact investing ecosystems present an underdeveloped pipeline of investment-ready startups across various sectors.

Moon Dancer Fund aims to strategically collaborate with Global Development Advisors, an investment readiness program tailored to support startups in achieving critical investment readiness milestones.

There Is Limited Local Impact Investment Expertise

The region faces a shortage of impact investing professionals that hinders the growth of the impact investing ecosystem in the area.

Moon Dancer Fund intends to bring a team of experts conducting due diligence and portfolio management with a successful track record in the region.

There are Limited Catalytic and Blended Finance Initiatives

The absence of such initiatives limits funding opportunities for the higher-risk startup ecosystem in the region.

Moon Dancer Fund’s funding strategy combines public, private, and philanthropic capital to bridge the capital gap by mobilizing additional resources for catalytic and impact-first investing in the region.

High Risk Perception

Factors including economic and political instability deter risk-averse investors from committing capital to the region.

Moon Dancer Fund aims to attract investments from impact investors interested in de-risking the entrepreneurship ecosystem and attracting new sources of capital, such as venture philanthropy, impact-first investors, catalytic capital, and DFI’s.

Fund Background

Catalyzing transformative economic growth in Central America, the Moon Dancer Fund, initiated by Patricia Funegra in 2023, aims to strategically invest in the ‘missing middle’ enterprises of the region, fostering innovation, employment, and community development through collaboration and targeted support.

Have Any Question?

Contact us anytime to inquire about collaborating as an investor, strategic partner, or to apply as a startup or small business investment candidate.