Our Focus

We Focus On Underserved Markets

Our investments will seek to empower and uplift entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, especially women and underrepresented minorities, to foster a more inclusive startup community. 

Stimulating Innovation

We aim to foster a culture of innovation in targeted Central American countries by investing in startups with groundbreaking ideas.

Job Creation and Economic Growth

Our investments will aim to create a positive ripple effect in the region’s economy.

Enhance Access to Funding

Our investments seek to bridge the gap between startups and potential investors that focus on impact-first returns combining public, private, and philanthropic capital and mobilize additional resources for impact investing in the region.

Elevating Central America's Profile

By showcasing the potential and success of Central American startups, we aim to elevate the region’s profile in the global entrepreneurial landscape.

Contributing to the SDG'S

By aligning our investments with some of the SDGs, we aim to contribute to the overall progress of the region toward a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future

Our Approach

Through a purpose-driven approach, we connect needs with opportunities in Central America, focusing on underserved markets and marginalized communities, leveraging regional strategies to maximize impact and value creation, and fostering transformative change by investing in innovative solutions across two tiers of targeted markets.

Have Any Question?

Contact us anytime to inquire about collaborating as an investor, strategic partner, or to apply as a startup or small business investment candidate.